Interactive map

Explore our interactive map

Use your finger or mouse to drag the map around, or use the search bar to find an address, post code or point of interest. 

Zoom in, and turn on different layers, to explore key features including:

  • Existing environmental features and areas proposed for environmental mitigation such as nitrogen deposition (NDEP) and designated sites, new woodland, grassland, hedgerows and ponds
  • The boundary of the area needed to build and operate the new road (the Order Limits)
  • The layout of the project during construction and operation (General Arrangements)
  • The areas of land we will use for the project, temporarily or permanently, including construction and utility compounds (Land Use Plan)
  • Listed buildings, monuments, parks, conservation areas and private recreational facilities

Use the legend, or click on a feature, to learn more. You can use the measure tool to find the distance between points of interest

For more information about the data presented on our online interactive map, see our other consultation materials, all of which can be found in our document library.